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Added value? Are life insurance perks worth having?

Leigh Kent • 23 May 2023

Many life insurance providers now offer additional ‘perks’ to policyholders but are they worth it?

Smartwatches, cinema tickets, gift vouchers and private GP access are just some of the perks now being offered by life insurance providers.

Just like banks offering incentives for you to switch your current account, life insurance firms try to set themselves apart with tempting offers to give them the edge over their competitors.

It's not the best idea to choose a life insurance policy based solely on the perks it offers but it's still worth knowing what's out there when weighing up which provider suits you best.

Here, we examine the perks on offer from some of the main life insurance providers, check how they compare and explain the other factors to consider if you're thinking about taking out a life insurance or critical illness insurance policy.

What perks are on offer?

While your life insurance policy is in place to help support your family once you've gone, perks such as gift cards, health insurance, access to a GP 24/7, cinema tickets or coffee mean you can benefit from it, too.

As shown in the table below, we took a look at some of the biggest UK life insurance providers to see what incentives are on offer.

Are the perks worth it?

While these perks may seem attractive, you'll need to balance how much value you'll get from them against the cost of your premium based on your age, health and occupation.

It’s important to shop around to find the best policy for you, regardless of the perks that come with it. As independent financial advisers, we can do that for you.

Do you need life insurance?

Everyone’s circumstances are unique – and some people will not need life insurance. But if you have parents, partners or children that rely on your income, taking out a policy will ensure they’re supported after you die.

An easy way to think about it is: if your income were to disappear, how would the people around you look after themselves? If you have young children and a mortgage to pay, a term life insurance policy might be useful. If you have older children, or have paid off your mortgage, whole-of-life insurance could be a better fit.

There are many different types of life insurance available, and it’s important to make sure you find the right policy for you and your family. Why not ask us for our independent advice?

by Leigh Kent 14 January 2025
NS&I can trace its roots back to 1861, when Gladstone, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, launched the Post Office Savings Bank. NS&I’s latest quarterly results show that on 30 September 2024, it held £233.9 billion on behalf of investors. That might seem like a lot of money, but it’s a small amount considering the vast budgetary hole the current government is trying to navigate between spending and revenue. The figures that came out alongside the Autumn 2024 Budget revised the 2024/25 gap – officially called the Central Government Net Cash Requirement – to £165.1 billion. Another £139.9 billion is needed to repay existing government debt which matures in 2024/25, bringing the total to over £300 billion. In other words, the entire stock of NS&I, accumulated over 163 years, would cover the equivalent of about nine months of government financing. In terms of how much fresh cash NS&I is currently raising, its impact can be counted in days, not months. In the first six months of 2024/25, NS&I’s net inflow was £3.3 billion – four days’ worth of government financing. Currently government bonds (gilts) account for the lion’s share (a projected £296.9 billion in 2024/25) of government financing. That makes NS&I a minnow, picking up the public’s retail pennies rather than institutions’ warehoused pounds. Arguably, if NS&I did not exist, it would not be invented today. But it does exist, and the government would not want to see the NS&I’s £230 billion+ disappear, so it will continue to survive. In recent months, NS&I has been cutting rates on many of its products, from Premium Bonds (prize rate now 4.0% against 4.4% in November 2024) through Income Bonds (3.44% now against 3.93% in mid-November 2024) to two-year Guaranteed Growth Bonds (3.60% now against 4.60% in early September 2024). NS&I rarely tops the rate tables, and recent cuts have left it languishing at the point where better returns can be found elsewhere. If you hold NS&I investments, it is worth checking whether they still are the right home for your cash. Our pick of leading current leading interest rates can be found here. Those holding larger cash amounts might also like to ask us about our Cash Management solutions.
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by Leigh Kent 9 December 2024
If you are approaching the end of your 5-year fixed rate mortgage and currently enjoying an interest rate of around 2%, you have probably been watching the fluctuations of interest rates with some trepidation. The November 0.25% cut from the Bank of England has not fed through to your prospective remortgage interest rate and some lenders are even going in the opposite direction of the Bank and nudging rates upwards. What’s going on? The answer is nothing unusual, despite the contrary movements. It is a common misconception that the Bank of England controls interest rates. The Bank does manage short-term interest rates by setting its Bank Rate, which is the rate it pays on the money it holds for commercial banks. By fixing a minimum fully secure return that the commercial banks can earn, the Bank of England influences what those banks can charge for lending. The key point is that the Bank of England is setting a short-term rate which can theoretically, change every six weeks, when the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee meets to set rates. Longer term interest rates are not usually controlled by the Bank of England but set by the markets. The markets will take account of the current Bank Rate but if a fixed rate for, say, 5 years is under consideration, then the market is implicitly estimating the movement of Bank Rate over the next 60 months. As with any medium-term financial forecast, that forward-looking calculation has a wide range of factors built in. The result can be that as the short-term Bank Rate is cut in response to current economic conditions, longer term rates rise because of the markets’ views of longer-term prospects. The graph above illustrates how the Bank Rate and the yield on 5-year fixed rate government bonds have moved between mid-July and mid-November in 2024. While the Bank Rate has fallen 0.5% over the period, the yield on the five-year gilt has risen by about 0.4%. That reflects the market changing its mind about how quickly and how far the Bank will cut rates. If your mortgage is due for refinancing soon, you may find yourself hopefully watching the markets for signs of that change of mind. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up with repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on your property.
by Leigh Kent 3 December 2024
Now that the UK has its first Labour government in 14 years, there is a certain irony that one of the policies of the last Labour government is still playing out, despite being scrapped by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2010. CTFs were launched in January 2005. Over the next six years, the government paid £2 billion into accounts for 6.3 million children born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011. In practice, most children’s CTF received a single payment of around £250, which was doubled for low-income families. A second similar payment was made once the child reached age 7, as long as this occurred before 3 January 2011. The government made these payments through a voucher sent to the child’s parent or guardian. The method was not a great success. As a result, HMRC opened 28% of all CTF accounts by default on behalf of children whose parents/guardians had left the vouchers unused for 12 months. However, the lack of interest by parents/guardians signalled the future problems that would emerge when CTFs began to mature as children reached age 18. Jump forward to 5 April 2024, when recently published HMRC statistics revealed that 671,000 CTFs had reached maturity but were unclaimed. More than half were for adults of 19 or older. The average value of the unclaimed plans was a little over £2,000. However, there were 25,000 plans with a value of at least £10,000, almost certainly the result of additional contributions by parents or relations. If you, your children or grandchildren want to track a ‘lost’ CTF, then HMRC has a web tool that can supply the name of the CTF provider. Fortunately, a rule change several years ago means that the UK tax freedom enjoyed by CTFs continues beyond age 18. However, it may be better to transfer the matured CTF monies into a new adult ISA, which could potentially offer lower charges and/or a wider investment choice. For the same reasons, it can be worth transferring CTFs yet to mature into a Junior ISA.
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